Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stargate Atlantis - Joseph Mallozzi's Blog: Days of Stargate Past…Atlantis

Source: Joseph Mallozzi's Blog [follow link for complete blog entry]

Stargate Atlantis


Stargate Atlantis executive producer/writer/etc. Joseph Mallozzi reminisced his seven seasons working on Stargate SG-1 on his blog over the past year, and tonight, begins his journey through five seasons of Stargate Atlantis, the main focus of today's entry on the casting process.

A brief excerpt:

And, one of the most challenging of these puzzle pieces was the casting. It may surprise you to know that, when it comes to producing a show, not everybody cares about costumes or set design or whether the script’s fifth act denouement is emotionally satisfying, but everybody - and I do mean EVERYBODY – has an opinion on casting. Studio and network execs, producers, hell, even your significant other peering over your shoulder as you screen the auditions on your home computer will want to weigh in. Of course, the more voices in the mix the more likely there will be disagreements. So it is with every production and Atlantis was no different. Different individuals envisioned these characters in very different ways and, as a result, consensus was only achieved after many auditions, calls-backs, heated discussions, and not-so-gentle reminders that our start date was drawing closer and we really needed someone to say the lines on camera...

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